Dr Moussa Ibrahim’s first public address since Nato’s War on Libya in 2011

On Mon 12 Jan 2015 in Committee Room 15 in the Houses of Parliament Dr Moussa Ibrahim addresses the event ‘Libya: Nato’s Untold Story’ organised by the Tricontinental Anti-Imperialist Platform. This is the first time Dr Ibrahim has addressed the public and media in english since his advocacy for justice for Libya as Libyan Jamahiryan government spokesperson through the Nato war of aggression against Libya in 2011.

Pro-West Snipers Murdered Kiev Demonstrators in False Flag: Canadian Academic Analysis


The murder of 100 pro-West demonstrators in January launched the Revolution. Now many say it was a false flag.

By Ivan Katchanovski (University of Ottawa), for Russian Insider

  • Exhaustive analysis by reputable academic, Canadian Ukraine specialist

  • Challenges narrative of Western media, which alleges the exact opposite

  • Alleges subsequent government cover-up

  • Makes substantial contribution to multiple other media reports alleging the same thesis

This academic paper first appeared on the respected blog, Johnson’s Russia List.

We are publishing it here in full, despite its length, because it is by far the most detailed and thorough investigation of the Kiev Sniper Controversy, drawing on a mass of sources and materials, some of which were previously unpublished.

It is the work of a well-known Canadian political scientist at the University of Ottawa, who is a native of Ukraine. His specialization is Ukrainian politics and history.

The study concludes that, though there is some evidence that some of the protesters killed during the Maidan disturbances may have been accidentally shot by police snipers, the great majority were killed by snipers controlled by the pro-West demonstration leaders in a false flag operation.

The study suggests this was a pre-planned provocation to discredit the then government and that these same leaders both before and especially after they seized power have engaged in a systematic cover up of the facts to conceal their own guilt.


By Ivan Katchanovski, Ph.D. School of Political Studies & Department of Communication University of Ottawa

Paper presented at the Chair of Ukrainian Studies Seminar at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, October 1, 2014

[With visuals and footnotes here academia.edu/8776021/The_Snipers_Massacre_on_the_Maidan_in_Ukraine]

The massacre of several dozen Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the escalating conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine.
The mass killing of the protesters and the mass shooting of the police that preceded it led to the overthrow of the highly corrupt and pro-Russian, but democratically elected government of Viktor Yanukovych and gave a start to a large-scale violent conflict that continues now in Donbas in Eastern Ukraine.
A conclusion promoted by the post-Yanukovych governments and the media in Ukraine that the massacre was perpetrated by government snipers on a Yanukovych order has been nearly universally accepted by the Western governments and the media, at least publicly, without concluding an investigation and without all evidence considered.For instance, Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko in his speech to the US Congress on September 18, 2014 again claimed that the Yanukovych government overthrow resulted from mass peaceful protests against police violence, in particular, killings of more than 100 protesters by snipers on February 20, 2014.

The question is which side organized the snipers massacre. This paper is the first academic study of this crucial case of the mass killing. Analysis of a large amount of evidence in this study suggests that certain elements of the Maidan opposition, including its extremist far right wing, were involved in this massacre in order to seize power and that the government investigation was falsified for this reason.


Evidence used in this study includes publicly available but unreported, suppressed, or misrepresented videos and photos of suspected shooters, live statements by the Maidan announcers, radio intercepts of the Maidan snipers, and snipers and commanders from the special Alfa unit of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), ballistic trajectories, eyewitness reports by both Maidan protesters and government special unit commanders, public statements by both former and current government officials, bullets and weapons used, types of wounds among both protesters and the police, and the track record of politically motivated misrepresentations by the Maidan politicians of other cases of violence during and after the Euromaidan and historical conflicts.

In particular, this study examines about 30 gigabytes of intercepted radio exchanges of the Security Service of Ukraine Alfa unit, Berkut, the Internal Troops, Omega, and other government agencies during the entire Maidan protests. These files were posted by a pro-Maidan Ukrainian radio amateur on a radio scanners forum, but they never were reported by the media or acknowledged by the Ukrainian government.

The timeline of the massacre with precision to minutes and locations of both the shooters and the government snipers was established in this study with great certainty based on the synchronization of the sound on the main Maidan stage, images, and other sources of evidence that independently corroborate each other.

The study uses content analysis of all publicly available videos of the massacre, in particular, an unreported, time-stamped version of a previously widely seen, long video of the massacre on Instytutska Street, videos of suspected snipers and reports of snipers in live TV broadcasts and Internet video streams from the Maidan (Independence Square), time-stamped and unedited radio intercepts of SBU Alfa snipers and commanders, and radio intercepts of Internal Troops on the Maidan.

The analysis also uses live Internet broadcasts. Recordings of all live TV and Internet broadcasts of the massacre by Espresso TV, Hromadske TV, Spilno TV, Radio Liberty, and Ukrstream TV, were either removed from their websites immediately following the massacre or not made publicly available. These recordings were mostly made by Maidan supporters, but they got very scant attention or removed from public access.

Similarly, official results of ballistic, weapons, and medical examinations and other evidence collected during the investigations concerning this massacre have not been made public, while crucial evidence, including bullets and weapons disappeared under the post-Yanukovych government. This investigation relies on such evidence reported by the media and reliable information in the social media. An on-site research on the site of the massacre on the Maidan itself and on Instytutska Street was also conducted for this study by the author.

An Academic Investigation

A recently released time-stamped version of an over 40-minute-long video, which was filmed at a close distance on Instytutska Street starting at 9:06am, covers, with some unexplained omissions, the most intense parts of the killings. It confirms that the mass killing of Maidan protesters on February 20 began on the adjacent Instytutska Street around that time.

The Berkut anti-riot police and Internal Troops units, which were besieging, storming, and blocking the Maidan for almost three months, hastily abandoned their positions and fled by 9:00am, while protesters then started to advance from their stronghold on the Maidan up Instytutska Street.

This and other videos show members of the special elite unit of the Berkut anti-riot police and “Omega” Internal Troops special unit, including two snipers, temporarily halting the advance of protesters near Zhovtnevyi Palace starting at 9:05am, shooting with both live ammunition from the Kalashnikov assault rifles (AKMS) and rubber bullets, and pointing sniper rifles in the direction of the protesters and then retreating along with Berkut and Internal Troops units, who were resting in Zhovtnevyi Palace.

After retreating to these barricades under fire, respectively, at 9:20am and 9:28am, Berkut and Omega were doing the same from two barricades on Instytutska Street and nearby buildings of the National Bank and the Club of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Directions of many bullet holes and their impact marks in the electric poles, trees, and walls of Zhovtnevyi Palace and the Hotel Ukraina also indicate that the police fired at the direction of the protesters and the protester-held buildings. SBU snipers were located in the Cabinet of Ministers, the Presidential Administration, and neighboring buildings.

The new Ukrainian government and the head of the parliamentary commission publicly stated that “snipers,” who massacred the unarmed protesters, were from these units. Specifically, the Prosecutor General Office announced on September 12, 2014 that its investigation found a Berkut commander and two members of his unit responsible for killing 39 Euromaidan protesters, or the absolute majority of some 50 protesters killed or mortally wounded on February 20, 2014.

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Exclusive Interview with German Editor Turned CIA Whistleblower

Fascinating details emerge. Leading US-funded think-tanks and German secret service are accessories. Attempted suppression by legal threats. Blackout in German media.


These revelations, together with the Snowden uproar, will further decouple the US from Germany

By Eric van de Beek, Russian Insider

Exclusively for RI, Dutch journalist Eric van de Beek interviews the senior German editor who is causing a sensation with his allegations that the CIA pays German media professionals to spin stories to follow US government goals.

We wrote about this two weeks ago, and the article shot up in views, becoming one of the most read articles on our site.

Udo Ulfkotte reveals in his bestseller Bought Journalists, how he was “taught to lie, to betray and not to tell the truth to the public.”

The former editor of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, which is one of Germany’s largest newspapers, was secretly on the payroll of the CIA and German secret service, spinning the news in a way that was positive for the United States and bad for its opponents.

In his latest interview, Ulfkotte alleges that some media are nothing more than propaganda outlets of political parties, secret services, international think tanks and high finance entities.

Repenting for collaborating with various agencies and organisations to manipulate the news, Ulkotte laments, “I’m ashamed I was part of it. Unfortunately I cannot reverse this.”

Some highlights from the interview:

  • “I ended up publishing articles under my own name written by agents of the CIA and other intelligence services, especially the German secret service.”
  • “Most journalists from respected and big media organisations are closely connected to the German Marshall Fund, the Atlantik-Brücke or other so-called transatlantic organisations…once you’re connected, you make friends with selected Americans. You think they are your friends and you start cooperating. They work on your ego, make you feel like you’re important. And one day one of them will ask you ‘Will you do me this favor’…”
  • “When I told the Frankfurter Allgemeine that I would publish the book, their lawyers sent me a letter threatening with all legal consequences if I would publish any names or secrets – but I don’t mind.”
  • [The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung] hasn’t sued me. They know that I have evidence on everything.”
  • “No German mainstream journalist is allowed to report about [my] book. Otherwise he or she will be sacked. So we have a bestseller now that no German journalist is allowed to write or talk about.”

Here’s more from the interview:


“Bought journalists”, who are they?

“We’re talking about puppets on a string, journalists who write or say whatever their masters tell them to say or write. If you see how the mainstream media is reporting about the Ukraine conflict and if you know what’s really going on, you get the picture. The masters in the background are pushing for war with Russia and western journalists are putting on their helmets.”

And you were one of them, and now you are the first to blow the whistle.

“I’m ashamed I was part of it. Unfortunately I cannot reverse this. Although my superiors at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung approved of what I did, I’m still to blame. But yes, to my knowledge I am the first to accuse myself and to prove many others are to blame.”

How did you become a bought journalist?

“It started very soon after I started working at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. I learned to regard luxury invitations as quite acceptable and to write positive articles in return. Later on I was invited by the German Marshall Fund of The United States to travel the United States. They paid for all my expenses and put me in contact with Americans they’d like me to meet. In fact, most journalists from respected and big media organisations are closely connected to the German Marshall Fund, the Atlantik-Brücke or other so-called transatlantic organisations. Many of them are even members or ‘fellows’. I am a fellow of the German Marshall Fund. The thing is, once you’re connected, you make friends with selected Americans. You think they are your friends and you start cooperating. They work on your ego, make you feel like you’re important. And one day one of them will ask you ‘Will you do me this favor’ and then another will ask you ‘Will you do me that favor’. Bye and bye you get completely brainwashed. I ended up publishing articles under my own name written by agents of the CIA and other intelligence services, especially the Bundesnachrichtendienst.”

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PAID JOURNALISTS: German Journalist Whistleblower says it all

The interview is in English with French subtitles.

Propagande médiatique – les révélations d’Udo Ulfkotte

18 Oct. 2014 – Le journaliste allemand Udo Ulfkotte a donné cette semaine une interview tonitruante sur la chaîne Russia Today, à l’occasion de la sortie de son dernier ouvrage Gekaufte Journalisten (Journalistes achetés).

Dans ce livre, il détaille la manipulation des médias et des journalistes par les agences de renseignement étasuniennes et notamment comment le Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung sert « comme une prostituée les intérêts de Washington en manipulant ses lecteurs au profit des États-Unis » au travers de multiples organisations pilotées depuis Washington, comme l’Atlantic Bridge, la Commission trilatérale, le German Marshall Found, l’American Council on Germany, l’Aspen Institute, etc.

Ces informations ont été depuis confirmées par Willy Wimmer, ex-secrétaire d’État du ministère allemand de la Défense, qui a accusé le département d’État américain d’ingérence dans le travail de la presse allemande.

ISIS: America’s Terrorist Mercenaries

Generally historical revision takes place long after events unfold and the victors attempt to bury humiliating or inconvenient truths. Today, in the age of information, these would-be victors are finding it increasingly necessary to revise history in real-time through a strategy of increasingly repetitive, but decreasingly effective propaganda.


By Tony Cartalucci for Activist Post


Phase I: Justifying Chaos

It was only in 2007 that US foreign policy openly sought to pursue war against Iran, Syria, and Lebanon’s Hezbollah, while undercutting pro-Iranian factions in Iraq which at the time the US was still occupying. Failing to accomplish this directly, the US planned a not-so-covert proxy war that would include funding, politically backing, and even arming groups ranging from the Muslim Brotherhood to militants aligned with Al Qaeda itself.

This is perhaps best summarized by the prophetic 2007 report “The Redirection: Is the Administration’s new policy benefiting our enemies in the war on terrorism?” written by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh and published in the New Yorker.

It stated (emphasis added):

To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has cooperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran. The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.

Hersh would also go on to chronicle American political and financial support that was being provided to the Muslim Brotherhood, even then under then US President George Bush. In all, the supposedly “spontaneous” uprisings referred to by the Western media as the “Arab Spring” in 2011 were being engineered years ahead of time – not in an attempt to promote peaceful pro-democratic aspirations, but to serve as cover for ultra-violent foreign-backed insurrections that would leave a trail of destruction stretching along Africa’s northern coast, all the way to the borders of Iran, Russia, and even China.

Phase II: The War

After denying any role in the “Arab Spring” unrest, the US would soon not only openly support the protesters in the streets, but also support armed militants that followed in the wake of protests. This support included that of a military dimension – with militants in Libya being provided aircover and special forces initially, to eventually the air-dropping of weapons, equipment, and other supplies.

US Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) would even travel to the terrorist capital of Libya – Benghazi – and offer US support in person. He would stand literally upon the footsteps of Benghazi’s courthouse where Al Qaeda rallies would be held shortly after, promising weapons to men who would later slaughter a US ambassador in that very city.

After the destruction of Libya’s government amid NATO’s intervention, Benghazi would serve as a terrorist epicenter where weapons, cash, and fighters were being staged before being sent to NATO-member Turkey and then to fight in northern Syria. Among these terrorists were seasoned militants of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), an official Al Qaeda franchise in North Africa. One of their leaders, Abdelhakim Belhadj would eventually find himself in power in Tripoli after the collapse of the Libyan government, and even have his photograph taken with Senator McCain.

Predictably, as NATO shifted resources and attention from the overthrow of Libya to the overthrow of Syria, the conflict aimed at Damascus escalated. It did not however succeed. Instead, the West found itself in a protracted proxy war in which its role in arming, aiding, and abetting hardcore sectarian extremists became increasingly obvious.

Phase III: The “Rise” of ISIS

Clearly, the rise of the so-called “Islamic State” or ISIS, did not happen overnight, nor by accident. It was not only the logical result of the United States continuing its strategy of proxy warfare it had carried out against Libya, now unfolding in Syria, it was also the premeditated, documented result of what veteran journalist Seymour Hersh had warned about in 2007.

It is a threat that not only Syria understands all too well, but a threat its allies including Iraq, Iran, and Russia fully understand and are mobilizing against.

The US has found itself revising history, attempting to explain the existence of ISIS lurking in the footprints of its massive support of so-called “moderates” in Syria’s ongoing conflict. The US has attempted to claim ISIS has built itself on “donations,” selling oil to the black market, and by taking hostages for ransom. If only building a multinational terrorist mercenary force was that easy, we could imagine Syria, Iraq, and Iran would likewise have vast mercenary armies to outmatch ISIS in an afternoon.

The reality is, to explain how the US and its regional partners have provided “moderates” with billions in aid only to have ISIS rise up and displace these “moderates,” we must realize that there were never any “moderates” to begin with, and that the US intentionally armed and funded terrorists, just as Hersh warned in 2007, to create a terrorist mercenary army that “espouses a militant vision of Islam” and is “sympathetic to Al Qaeda.”

ISIS didn’t displace the “moderates,” the truth of what America has done in the Middle East has displaced the lies the West has been telling the public starting in 2011 at the height of the so-called “Arab Spring.”

It is essential that people around the world continue to spread this this truth faster than the West can spread its chaos.


Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazineNew Eastern Outlook”, where this first appeared.


The Magic Number Is Revealed: It Costs Central Banks $200 Billion Per Quarter To Avoid A Market Crash

By Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge

We have all seen it countless times before: visual confirmation that without the Fed’s (and all other central banks’) liquidity pump, the S&P would be about 70% lower than were it is now.

Most recently, this was shown last Friday in “Another Reminder How Addicted Markets Still Are To Liquidity” in which Deutsche bank’s Jim Reid said:

The recovery from the lows after Bullard spoke yesterday is another reminder how addicted markets still are to liquidity. Indeed in today’s pdf we reprint and update a table from our 2014 Outlook showing the various phases of the Fed’s balance sheet expansion and pausing over the last 5-6 years and its impact on equities and credit. We have found that the relationship broadly works best with markets pricing in the Fed balance sheet move just under 3 months in advance. We’ve also included our oft-used chart of the Fed balance sheet vs the S&P 500 to help demonstrate this. So end July / early August 2014 was always the time that this relationship suggested markets should enter a new more difficult phase. So we still think central bankers hold the key to markets going forward and there seems to be a hint of change in the Fed.
Another view was shown over the weekend, in “The Chart That Explains Why Fed’s Bullard Wants To Restart The QE Flow” which shows that when the Fed’s excess reserve firehose is turned on Max, stocks surge; when it isn’t – as has been the case recently – they tumble.

So now that “best Keynesian practices” are out of the window, and everyone has once again turned Austrian, and only the “flow of money” (either inside or outside) matters, the question is how much do central banks need to inject to keep the stock market from crashing, let alone continuing to levitate. Luckily, Citi’s Matt King has just done the math, and the answer is…

Here is his answer:

We think the markets’ weakness owes more to an almost belated reaction to a temporary lull in central bank stimulus than it does to any reduction in the effect of that stimulus in propping up asset prices. Figure 5 shows the rolling 3m combined liquidity injection by the Fed, the ECB, the BoE and the BoJ, plotted against the rolling 3m change in spreads. While the relationship is not perfect – liquidity flows across asset classes and across borders, and there are announcement and confidence effects in addition to the straightforward impact on net supply – it is this, not fundamentals, which we would argue has been the major driver of markets for the past few years (Figure 6 shows the same series plotted against global equities).

In case anyone missed it, and in case there is still any debate about this issue which we first explicitly stated nearly 6 years ago and were widely mocked by the all too serious intelligentsia, here is the key sentence again:

 “it’s the liquidity injections, not fundamentals, which we would argue has been the major driver of markets for the past few years.

And with that piece of New Normal trivia behind us, we continue:

For over a year now, central banks have quietly being reducing their support. As Figure 7 shows, much of this is down to the Fed, but the contraction in the ECB’s balance sheet has also been significant. Seen from this perspective, a negative reaction in markets was long overdue: very roughly, the charts suggest that zero stimulus would be consistent with 50bp widening in investment grade, or a little over a ten percent quarterly drop in equities.
Put differently, it takes around $200bn per quarter just to keep markets from selling off.
If anyone ever needed any confirmation of what we said in June 2012, that “The Stock Is Dead, Long-Live The Flow: Perpetual QE Has Arrived“, now you have it, and only qualified but quantified. Because to translate what Matt King – Citi’s most respected strategist and the only person on Wall Street to warn about the Lehman collapse and its consequences before it happened, just said – if and when the global central bank liquidity tracker ever drops to $200 billion per quarter or less, the market will crash.



Les 3 pieds nickelés de l’économie: “El Blancos” Valls, Hollande, Sapin

du 27 au 31 octobre 2014 : Le tsunami des licenciements continue à faire son tour du monde… Sans commentaires… parce que j’en ai plus. Cela dure ainsi depuis mai 2012 !

Revue de presse par Pierre JOVANOVIC

Sears US la grande chaîne va fermer 116 magasins et virer 6100 personnes, autant pour la reprise américaine – lire Usa Today merci à DJC

SNCF maintenance 650 emplois menacés dans les ateliers de la sncf en dordognelire Sud Ouest merci à Mr Marsal

SNCM-Transdev j’en ai parlé cet été, et c’est confirmé 2000 emplois en jeu à Marseille. Une explosion sociale en vue – lire 20 minutes merci à Mr Goosens

PSA Discrétement 100 postes supprimés de plus à Poissylire Le Parisien merci à Aetos

Altia dans le Jura, 111 emplois en dangerlire Le Progres</aa merci à Mr Labranche

Amgen va virer 274 ingénieurslire San Fernando Journal merci à DJC

Associations Caritatives elles sont en danger car victimes de vols à répétition partout en France, ici dans le Puy de Dôme – lire FR3 merci à Julien

ATM croquettes pour chien et chats, confirmation, l’usine en redressement, 100 ouvriers ont pris une option pour Paul Emploilire L’Yonne merci à Mr Lafont

Auchan Direct les salariés protestent contre un plan social déguisé – lire FR3 merci à mr Rorhrbacher

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Caterpillar à Rantigny, Oise, une centaine de salariés manifestent pour sauver leur entrepriselire Le Parisien merci à Mr Marsal

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CML Mines jette à la rue 100 mineurslire The Spectrum merci à (pj)

Coal River energy vire d’un coup 130 mineurslire State Journal merci à (pj)

Conté de Cumbria 1800 fonctionnaires régionaux viréslire BBC merci à Mr Labranche

Electrolux cette fois la société veut fermer l’usine de Glaris, 120 ouvriers à la portelire Romandie merci à Radio TPE

France (usines) la France a perdu 558 usines !!!!! depuis 2009 merci aux banques – lire Creation Entreprise merci à Mr Labranche

France (chômage) 51000 personnes de plus en septembre, donné le vendredi tard pendant les vacanceslire News360x merci à aux lecteurs

France (surendettement) les Français toujours de plus en plus nombreux, reflet de la situation du pays – lire La Dépêche merci à Mr Labranche

Homebase UK la chaîne de boutiques anglaise va en fermer 80, soit 25 % de l’ensemblelire The Telegraph merci à Mr ballerand

Hopîtal dans le Sud Ouest 20 postes suprimés dans les mois à venir – lire Sud ouest merci à Mr Labranche

Huyghebaert grossiste alimentaire belge à Anvers va virer 100 personneslire Sud Info merci à Mr Labranche

Jacob mode féminine au Canada ferme toutes ses boutiques également – lire La Presse merci à aux lecteurs

JCB le célèbre constructeur de leveuses et autres grosses machines BTP vire 150 ouvrierslire The sentinel merci à Mr Labranche

JDM voitures sans permis pas de repreneur, 32 salariés chez Paul Emploi
lire Challenges merci à Mr Labranche

John Deere encore des licenciements chez JD, cette fois 450 personnes en raison du manque de clientslire Kwwl.com merci à DJC

Kimberly Clark le labo vire 1100 personnes !!! c’est la société qui vend les marques Colgate, Kleenex et Huggies – lire Le Matin merci à Marianne

Lainé à Caen la société sera sans doute liquidée et 85 personnes à Paul Emploilire Ouest france merci à Mr Goosens

Lakeside Foods Environ 75 salariés licenciéslire kaal.tv merci à DJC

Milonga musique a été liquidé, fin d’une aventure 165 personnes chez Paul Emploilire La provence merci à Mr Goosens

Legacy Publishing a décidé de licencier 50 % de son personnel !!! soit 50 personnes environlire Wcsh6 merci à DJC

– Lloyds Bank va se séparer de 9000 banquiers de plus !!!! – lire BBC merci à (pj)

– Lufthansa vend son service informatique avec 1500 ingénieurs à IBM… des licenciements inévitables – lire Les Echos merci à Indiana

TV6 la chaîne ferme au 31 dec 2014lire Ozap merci à mr Rorhrbacher

Stylia TV la chaîne ferme au 31 dec 2014lire Ozap merci à mr Rorhrbacher

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