Pourquoi le Mossad est-il intervenu au Kenya ?

A l’aube de lundi 23 septembre, une force de l’armée kényane, assistée par environ vingt commandos israéliens, a lancé une deuxième attaque contre les combattants du mouvement des Shebabs somaliens, qui se retranchent dans un centre commercial depuis samedi dernier.

L’intervention militaire israélienne dans cette opération est significative, puisque c’est la première fois qu’« Israël » annonce officiellement l’envoi d’un groupe de commandos dans un pays de la Corne de l’Afrique, où l’entité sioniste a toujours démenti toute présence de ses forces. En effet, « Israël » a toujours nié avoir une présence sur le terrain dans cette région du monde, depuis l’attaque menée par les forces érythréennes contre les iles Hneich du Yémen dans les années 90 du siècle dernier, la division du Soudan, et la grande présence israélienne dans le sud de ce pays ; mais aussi depuis le lancement du barrage « Annahda », que compte construire l’Éthiopie sur le Nil Bleue, et de ce fait, menacer la sécurité stratégique de l’Égypte en matière de ressources hydrauliques.

Cette opération militaire israélienne dans la Corne de l’Afrique, en face des côtes de la Somalie où se situe un passage stratégique pour le pétrole et les marchandises, est survenue après des décennies à l’infiltration israélienne secrète et organisée dans cette importante région du monde, considérée comme la porte du Golfe et du Moyen Orient, et comme clé pour le commerce avec les pays de l’occident, notamment ceux de l’Amérique du Nord.

Les « Israéliens » ont profité de la faiblesse de l’Égypte dans les dernières décennies pour étendre leur pouvoir dans les pays de la Corne de l’Afrique. En l’absence de toute politique égyptienne vis-à-vis de l’Afrique, « Israël » a entamé ses opérations de vente d’armes, d’appui logistique et d’entrainements, et ses projets agricoles de grande envergure dans cette région.

En 2009, le ministre israélien des Affaires étrangères, Avigdor Lieberman, s’est rendu au Kenya, dans une visite visant à couronner le pouvoir israélien croissant dans ce pays.

Des journalistes africains ont indiqué à Al-Ahednews que le ministre israélien était alors accompagné d’une grande délégation d’hommes d’affaires israéliens. L’intention était d’ancrer la coopération agricole et de transmettre à l’Afrique les expertises israéliennes dans ce domaine.

Toujours selon les sources africaines, la délégation regroupait une équipe du Mossad et de l’institution Sibat, laquelle organise l’exportation des armes israéliennes. La délégation renfermait de même un représentant de la compagnie d’aviation israélienne.

Le site d’information français « La Tribune juive » avait annoncé en décembre 2012, qu’« Israël » a bâti une base militaire en Érythrée dans le but de surveiller les mouvements de l’Iran dans la mer rouge. Ce site avait attribué à des sources diplomatiques des propos, selon lesquels, des unités de la marine israélienne sont installées dans les deux golfes (Dehlok et Massawa) en Érythrée et une base d’espionnage israélienne est construite au sommet du mont « Amba Sawra ».

Les industries militaires israéliennes vendent à des pays, tel l’Éthiopie et le Kenya, des drones depuis l’année 2008, par l’intermédiaire d’un homme d’affaire israélien nommé Samuel Sterne. Cet homme dirige des affaires en Centre Afrique.

Le montant des ventes d’armes israéliennes à ces pays est estimé à 800 millions de dollars par an. L’entité sioniste vend des armes et des munitions à l’État du sud du Soudan, à l’Éthiopie et au Benin.

Source: Alahed

Kenyan Bloodbath: State-Sponsored Sophistication & Motivation

Anti-ICC Kenyan President and his government appear to be the target of US-bolstered Al Qaeda attack.


By Tony Cartalucci, LandDestroyer

What are the chances that family members of Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta just so happened to be visiting Nairobi’s Westgate Mall in the midst of an unprecedented cross-border attack by Al Qaeda Al Shabaab terrorists – and that these family members were successfully singled out and murdered? The BBC reported in its article, “Nairobi Westgate attack: The victims,” that:

President Uhuru Kenyatta’s nephew Mbugua Mwangi and his fiancee Rosemary Wahito are among the many Kenyans killed in the attack on the Westgate shopping centre.

What are the chances that Al Qaeda is armed and funded by the US from Afghanistan in the 1980’s, to Libya in 2011, and now Syria to undermine enemies of Wall Street and London, but not in Somalia to undermine neighboring Kenya whose new president won partly due to a popular backlash against the West’s discredited International Criminal Court (ICC)?

Indeed, Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta was charged by the ICC for “crimes against humanity” even as he ran for president. The Kenyan newspaper, the Standard, published “Is history repeating itself as Uhuru Kenyatta, like father, faces trial?,” where current President Kenyatta’s persecution by the ICC is seen as a parallel to the persecution of his father, Jomo Kenyatta, by British colonial rule. It stated:

In April 2011, Ngengi Muigai, a close relative of Uhuru drew parallels between his charges at the ICC and the trial, jailing and unlawful detention of his father by the British colonial government.

How much can a wife and a mother bear? Her husband’s tribulations from the British colonialists and now her son from the neo-colonialists said Ngengi.

Mama Ngina had said at the same venue: I’m sure Uhuru, Ruto and the rest will go to The Hague and come back so that we can proceed with nation building.
She said this on the day she laid hands on both her son and Ruto as she prayed for their safe return from The Hague.
She said the charges facing her son and his co-suspects were the work of neo-colonialists and urged Kenyans to stand by Uhuru and resist just like they had resisted the British colonial rule.
The colonialists gave us problems and it is now clear they have never relented, said the former First Lady.

The former first lady is not alone in viewing the ICC as the modern day successor of old European subjugation and colonization. President Kenyatta’s persecution by the ICC is a tell-tale sign that he has made enemies in the West. The ICC itself is a discredited institution openly collaborating alongside NATO and in particular, the US, UK, and France to target political enemies around the world.

This would be made abundantly clear in Libya in 2011, where the ICC played a crucial role in NATO’s propaganda campaign against Tripoli when ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo “confirmed” that Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi’s son Saif Al-Islam was “captured” by Libyan militants and en route to the Hague. Saif Al-Islam would turn up the next day, very much free and still leading the defense of Tripoli – meaning the ICC lied as part of a wider NATO psychological operation to portray Libya’s capital as overwhelmed and captured.

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Venezuela’s acting ambassador murdered in Nairobi

Venezuela’s acting ambassador to Kenya, Olga Fonseca, has been strangled to death at her official residence in Nairobi.

The Venezuelan Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Friday, saying it “expresses its deepest regret at the unfortunate passing of the citizen Olga Arelis Fonseca Gimenez.”

The statement called the killing “deplorable” and “violent” and added, “Fonseca had a brilliant diplomatic career.

She was recognized for her impeccable personal and professional life, and for her services to just causes.

The Kenyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Fonseca reported to the Venezuelan Embassy in Nairobi on July 15 to replace Ambassador Gerardo Carillo-Silva. Officials in Caracas said she also represented Venezuela at UN agencies based in Nairobi and had responsibility for Tanzania, Uganda, and Rwanda.

Source: Breaking News

Alex Responds to Obama’s Text Editor’s So Called ‘Mistake’

An apology for the “mistake” in Barack Obama’s official biography that said he was ‘Born in Kenya’ has conveniently been rushed out onto the world scene in rapid-response to the bombshell published today at Breitbart.com and made truly viral at the Drudge Report, along with a new media fiction theorizing that the “mistake” may well have given birth to ‘birther rumors’ in the first place.

Evidence Obama Born In Kenya Goes Beyond 1991 Brochure

Establishment media pulls stunt in effort to diffuse ‘birther’ controversy


By Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars.com

The establishment media hastily seized on yesterday’s explosive story about a literary publication listing Barack Obama’s birthplace as Kenya in an effort to claim that the 1991 brochure was the “origin” of the entire ‘birther’ issue. In reality, evidence that Obama was born in the African country is abundant.

A literary agent’s promotional text for a 1991 brochure released yesterday by Breitbart.com states Obama was “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”

Yahoo News, along with a deluge of other mainstream news outlets, responded by reporting that the document was potentially the “source” of the birther controversy and had merely been a mistake.

The literary agent who wrote the description, Miriam Goderich, now works with Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its clients. Unsurprising therefore that Goderich hastily claimed listing Obama’s birthplace as Kenya was “nothing more than a fact checking error.”

However, evidence to indicate that Obama war born in Kenya is plentiful and it goes significantly beyond the 1991 version of the brochure.

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Oops! Text Editor Rushes Out Apology for Kenya ‘Mistake’ in Obama’s Bio

By Aaron Dykes, for Infowars.com

An apology for the “mistake” in Barack Obama’s official biography that said he was ‘Born in Kenya’ has conveniently been rushed out onto the world scene in rapid-response to the bombshell published today atBreitbart.com and made truly viral at the Drudge Report, along with a new media fiction theorizing that the “mistake” may well have given birth to ‘birther rumors’ in the first place.

Miriam Goderich came forward as the editor of the bio, claiming to remember the distant circumstances, and apologized in a press release for what she claims was “nothing more than a fact checking error” committed back in 1991 by publishing Barack Obama’s birthplace as “Kenya,” and further mentioning that he had been raised in both Indonesia and Hawaii (the mistake was, however, apparently not corrected until 2007). Goderich quickly exonerated the sitting president in the statement, adding, “There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.”

Breitbart.com reported their attempt to contact Goderich for comment over several days, but received no response. The site followed up on the report, adding that “Goderich’s statement fails to explain why the ‘fact checking error’ persisted for sixteen years, through at least three different versions of Jane Dystel’s website, and through at least four different versions of Obama’s biography”– and indeed, for two years while Barack Obama was Senator.

Yet, Miriam Goderich was quick to come forward once the news broke. The White House has not yet issued an official response, as of the time of writing.

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Meme-Stream Media Offers Counter-Theory: Maybe 1991 Mistake Birthed ‘Birthers’


After failing in their investigative duties and media capacities on every front– from the Iraq War, to 9/11, the “Death” of Bin Laden, Obama’s Birther Problem and so much more, the “mainstream media” are finally claiming to have figured one out.

In the wake of bombshell news that a literary publicist that had Obama as a client published an official biography listing Obama’s birthplace as Kenya, wire newsfeeds are circulating the “meme” that the bio was the editor’s “mistake” and, further, may have been the initial spark for what has become a proverbial ‘birther’ controversy firestorm. That’s right, multiple news agencies, acting in concert, are putting forward that the 1991 editor’s error that went uncorrected for 16 years may have, well, given birth to the birther movement questioning Obama’s eligibility to hold the highest office in the land.

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