Eviscerating Yugoslavia: KLA Heroin, Rwandan Genocide & Phony Racak


Part four of a five-part series excerpted from Chapter 15: Yugoslavia Bad, Greater Albania Good: Big Oil & Their Bankers…)


The Kosovo/Albania Golden Triangle

In 1996 the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) began training the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).

The Bundesnachrichtendienst had been launched in 1956 to succeed the Nazi Gehlen organization.  The idea of a Greater Albania was a vision of the Nazis during their WWII occupation of Yugoslavia.  That vision was now shared by NATO.  BND was headed by Hasjorg Geiger, who set up a huge BND regional station in Tirana, Albania in 1995.  The CIA set up a large operation in Tirana a year earlier.  President Sali Berisha had taken charge of the country of Albania earlier in the 1990’s.  Darling of the IMF, he opened Albania’s economy to Western multinationals and banks and was rewarded with a huge IMF loan package.

In 1994, the same year the Company landed in Tirana, a bank pyramid scheme over which Berisha presided with his new IMF kitty suddenly collapsed, obliterating the life savings of thousands of Albanians. 

The scheme fit into a pattern of earlier IMF/BCCI coordinated rip-offs of Third World debtor nations.  Berisha was ousted from Tirana, but fled to northern Albania and took control of this increasingly lawless region, which became a major smuggling route for Golden Crescent heroin and arms.

With help from the Albanian secret police (SHIK), CIA and BND recruited potential KLA fighters from the ranks of these smugglers, many of whom the CIA had helped get into the smack business in Peshawar, Pakistan a decade earlier[1]. 
German Kommandos Spezialkrafte (KSS) wearing black uniforms trained the KLA and armed them with East German weapons.  Later in neighboring Kosovo there were many reports of men wearing black uniforms terrorizing Kosovo peasants.  While the US claimed these were Yugoslav Special Forces they were likely members of the German KSS who were leading KLA raids inside Kosovo.

The KLA took to wearing Bundeshehr combat jackets with German insignia.  Germany was the first country to recognize Croatia in 1990, even before Croatian separatists had begun their revolt against Belgrade.  The Germans spearheaded the campaign that encouraged Croatia to secede from Yugoslavia.  When the new government was established in Zagreb, it adopted the flag and national anthem of Hitler’s puppet Utashe. 

In 1998 the KLA had been a small terrorist cell with only 300 members.  After a year of steady arms shipments and training from the US, Britain and Germany; the KLA became a major guerrilla army with 30,000 members.  Osama bin Laden senior lieutenant Mohammed al-Zawahiri served as a KLA commander.

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How To Stage A Fake CIA ‘Uprising’ : a 12 STEPS RECIPY


Master Chefs: Brzezinski – Kissinger – Rockefeller

Hong Kong is the latest example.

Are you having a problem with pesky nations that refuse to comply with the Globalist or Zionist program? Worried about the cost and unintended consequences of another Neo-Con war? Well, before you do anything rash, try overthrowing the target government with a “Soft Power” revolution instead. See recipe below.

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                                                                                                                  Billionaire Soft Power specialist George Soros owns Obongo!


  • A ton of American cash from the CIA and/or George Soros
  • Small army of undercover CIA agents
  • Controlled “Human Rights /Pro Democracy” groups
  • Idealistic “Western wannabee” college brats
  • Easily manipulated do-gooder “libtards”
  • Professional signs & banners written in English
  • Bribable / blackmailable journalists
  • Bribable / blackmailable politicians
  • Bribable / blackmailable academics
  • Corrupt Union bosses
  • Violent “Agent Provocateurs”


Dispatch your CIA, MI6, & Mossad agents to the target nation. Use various covers such as “exchange student”, “tourist”, “aid worker”, “businessman”, “journalist”, “diplomat”. Be creative!


Soros and CIA drug money is limitless! Pass it around!

Use the humanitarian guise of “pro democracy” or “human rights” to start up your NGO’s (Non Governmental Organizations) inside of the target nation. Provide cover for yourself by doing actual good works, while building up your NGO with local malcontents, libtards, and gullible idealists.

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“Feed the children!”                                                                       Promote “democracy.”
Recruit your network of domestic traitors. Target intellectuals, academics, politicians, journalists, and, if possible, military men. Use bribery to target those who can be bought. Use blackmail to target those who have some stain in their private life.
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If bribery doesn’t work……                                                                   …use Blackmail.
If the target nation has large Labor Unions, corrupt labor bosses will be very happy to cooperate with you. Yankee dollars are king!

 (Now you are ready to get cooking!)
Pick a catchy theme or color for your “revolution”. Examples include “Prague Spring” (Czechoslovakia, 1968), “Velvet Revolution” (Eastern Europe 1989), Saffron Revolution” (Myanmar), “Cedar Revolution” (Lebanon), “Rose Revolution” (Georgia), “Orange Revolution” (Ukraine), “Green Revolution” (Iran), “Arab Spring” (Egypt, Tunisia, Libya etc) and Hong Kong’s “Umbrella Revolution”. It’s all about marketing, baby!
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Green (Iran)                                   Orange (Ukraine)                                                                    Rose (Georgia)
Umbrella Revolution (Hong Kong)
Kick off your “revolution” with a “spontaneous protest”. Use your CIA agents and their controlled NGO idiots to make allegations of “human rights abuses”, or “government corruption” or “election fraud”. It doesn’t matter if the allegations are true or not. Just be passionate!
CIA trained Iranians protest a “stolen” election.
In certain cases, “WikiLeaks” may be able to assist your fake revolution by “leaking” embarrassing secrets about key officials within the target government. When your paid journalists run with the “leaks”, many pissed-off citizens will then join forces with your NGO rent-a-mob.
Julian Assange / CIA (Wikileaks)


Roll out your “spontaneous” banners and protest signs, written in English. You are, after all, trying to manipulate American policy makers and the gullible American public.

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Iran                                                                               Brazil

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